
V Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

I've been a negligent blogger, but I promise that will change soon. I just don't seem to have the time or energy to be creative these days and I think part most of it has to do with the weather. That, and being sick as a family has just knocked me over. I'm getting back up, don't you worry!

Things I'm loving, just for fun:

1. My smiley happy daughter that literally brightens every room that she's in these days.
2. My sweet husband that put in roll out drawers in our pots and pans cabinet. love it.
3. The fact that we already have $133 raised for the YWCA!
4. We'll all healthy.
5. The weather isn't miserable and this winter has been the best of my whole life.
6. I've lost ten lbs and it just keeps coming off, finally!
7. The new "cake batter" shake I made yesterday and plan to make today.
8. The fact that Josie's cousin is growing big and strong every day. Yay Liz!
9. My family is all close by and I get to see them regularly.
10. Buckley. :)

What do you love today? Leave me a comment so I can love with you!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/15/2012

    Even though the economy is slow business is growing. All signs show for a healthy baby. Ginger is active even through her arthritis. She has accepted josie as part of her pack and puts up with the pulling of ears and hair. It looks like greg might have a perminant job soon.
