
This little girl is feeling less than healthy. You can't tell it from these pictures, but she has a crusty nose, a brutal cough, and overstuffed sinuses. We're rounding out the first week with a sick baby and I have to say, I've practically forgot what our sweet little smiley baby is like without being sick. There are hardly smiles at all anymore and its hurting this momma. My heart hurts for her. 

I'm not feeling great either, but I'd rather feel twice as sick than have her go through this. Her little immune system doesn't know what hit it and is having such a hard time catching up. 

**Note to self: enjoy the good days when there is no cough and runny nose, because it doesn't last forever and is so much better than you can remember**

I worked this weekend (again! ready to be done with Saturdays for a while) and just feel like we need the rest of the day to catch up. Tomorrow will be busy with some family time, church, and a Super Bowl party that we'll probably only stay at for the first half (lame... but we aren't too excited about the game itself anyways).

I haven't worked out yet this week since that miserable run on Monday, but I did manage to go down two more pounds (total 7.5!) this week mostly from feeling miserable and having a small (itty bitty for this girl) appetite. Maybe the shrunken stomach will last and I can make this the new norm. There's always that to hope for I guess.

It's really quite exhausting to constantly be thinking about weight gain, my body size, my self image. Being self involved all the time wears a girl out. And yet I still am, day in and day out. I tell myself its about your health and not about to the size I am or the way I look in a picture, but the truth and reality is that I think about it constantly. I don't want to be obsessed with it, but when I stop thinking about it, I gain weight. I'm no longer making healthy decisions.

Gotta get this figured out.

On a lighter note, these two goons are getting along better than ever. 

Happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. She is SO cute! Sorry she is feeling bad...it is the worst, isn't it? 

    And you are so right about how exhausting it is to constantly think about losing weight, eating right....all that stuff. But I think, from looking at how others have lost weight, you kind of have to get and stay obsessed with it. At least until it because 2nd nature. Change is hard - not matter how big or small. But if I can stick with it this long (going on 6 weeks now - OMG!) anyone can! 
