
Sick little lady

  • pink cheeks
  • fussy
  • slight fever
  • insane amounts of fist/my hand/anything in sight in mouth
  • tugging on ears. a lot.
So... could be teething or could be an ear infection. If she's disgruntled tomorrow morning then we're going in. To the doctor that is. We have an appointment next Monday, but I don't want to go through the weekend with a sick baby. If it is an ear infection it can't be that bad. She's more fussy in the evenings and generally happy and smiley in the mornings and afternoons (so Grandma has told me).

So what is not fun about all of this? Well, all of it. Especially the whole can't-console-my-baby-and-now-she's-asleep-when-she-should-be-awake thing. A full night's sleep after this weird afternoon nap would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Anonymous10/19/2011

    I'm guessing ear infection. Maybe it's early stages of ear infection or she has high tolerance of pain. Hope she gets better.. but yes FOR SURE go in before the week end. Nothing worse than sitting in Urgent Care with sick baby on a week end. Good luck,, oh and I don't get why I need to pick a profile.. I go with anonymous cuz I don't get it... Love lynne

  2. Anonymous10/19/2011

    I always called the urgent care centers before I went and asked how full the waiting room was

  3. Good idea! I will definitely call before going... I didn't think of that.

  4. Anonymous10/20/2011

    I'm sticking with the teething thing. It seems like she never stops drooling. She sat in my lap for a good 10 minutes just gumming the teething ring from the Johnsons. And yesterday she was really digging the fish on the excersaucer.
    Auntie Liz
